Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have more box sizes, colours and designs?
- As of now, you may view all our available products on our catalogue but we are continuously working on expanding our product range so stay tuned!
What are the boxes made out of?
- Boxes are made of high quality and food grade premium white board material.
Can you customize boxes or labels?
- Yes! You may inquire here or get in touch with us at 
What if I don’t make cut-off?
- Your items will be scheduled for pick-up or delivery on the next business day. 
What payment options do you accept?
- Currently, we accept GCash (direct payment only, not available at payment centers) and BDO Bank Transfer but we are doing our best to provide more payment methods!
What is your return and exchange policy?
- Returns and reports of missing items must be strictly done within 48 hours upon receipt of items.

For boxes purchased for re-selling purposes, the re-seller or original customer is held responsible for checking items received from Boxes by Triangle. Returns and reports of missing items can only be done within 48 hours from receipt of products. Customers of re-sellers will not be entertained and must coordinate with their direct re-seller only.

All purchases are considered final — exchanges for different-sized boxes are NOT allowed.